
For the full list of my work, please, check out my 'Portfolio' page. 
If you want to hire me for a translation work, please, visit a 'Contact' page.

Videogames localisations

- Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist (2015) - official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full);
- The Coma: Cutting Class (2015) - official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full)
- Neoncube (2015) - official English to Russian translation and proofreading (full);
- The Talos Principle: Road To Gehenna DLC (2015) – official English to Russian translation, proofreading and editing (full), beta-testing, voiceover studio assistance;
- The Talos Principle (2014) – official English to Russian translation, proofreading and editing (partial, in partnership with Nixa Studio/Gorgone Productions), beta-testing, voiceover studio assistance;
- Serious Sam HD: Legend Of The Beast DLC (2012) – unofficial English to Russian translation;
- The Grand Plague (a fan-made modification for Serious Sam: The Second Encounter) (2012-2014) - Russian to English translation, beta-testing;
- Serious Sam: The Arrival Of Dark Sam (2011) – old and very rough Russian to English translation, beta-testing;

Old hobby translations (articles and fiction stories, EN/RU)

- Статья: Игры для взрослых: ‘The Talos Principle’ вопрошает, как понять, что ты человек // Article: Games for Adults: ‘The Talos Principle’ Asks How You Know You’re a Person | Playboy.com (2015)
- Статья: Прогулки в Саду // Article: Rambling Through the Garden | Killscreendaily.com (2015) 
- Статья: Философия, бог и роботы: о сценарии The Talos Principle: Road to Gehenna // Article: Philosophy, God, and robots: Writing The Talos Principle: Road To Gehenna | Gamasutra.com (2015)
- Статья: От смешного к возвышенному // Article: From the Ridiculous to the Sublime | GameIndustry.biz (2015)

- Крипи-паста: Она нашла дорогу в мой дом // Creepy-pasta: She found her way into my house (2013)
- Крипи-паста: Slender Man vs Jeff The Killer // Creepy-pasta: Slender Man vs Jeff The Killer (2013)
- Крипи-паста: Я кое-что нашел, и не знаю, что мне делать // Creepy-pasta: I found somethimg, and I don't want what to do (2013)